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Applications Module Features & Benefits

Overview | Features & Benefits | Pricing

AspireApplications allows you to create entries on particular applications and industries related to you business.

With the ability to fully customize these entries, classifying them under appropriate categories and by relevant attributes, as well as connecting existing products and objects to them that were created elsewhere in the system, AspireApplications could be quite a useful tool in enhancing your business's website.

Just take a look at the following innovative features, and you will see why businesses small and large alike are seeking to integrate AspireApplications into their online management systems:

Easily Maneuverable Database
Flexible Application Development
Practical & Orderly Structure
Integration With AspireSoft System

Easily Maneuverable Database:

Comprehensive Index
All applications systematically organized in database by ID numbers

Easily Located Entries
Can easily search for and locate any application in the system (with search filters allowing you to limit results to those with specific attributes)

Accessible Details
Can view all details of applications in results list such as title, underlying attributes/products, homepage visibility status, and current active status

Convenient Application Controls
Can modify and delete any application with a click of your mouse

User-Friendly Creation
Can add new application with simple customized form

Full freedom to compose a creative title describing the application

Visibility Controls
Select whether or not to show the application on your site's homepage

Customized Content
Create the content of the application using HTML code or the innovative, easy-to-use WYSIWYG editor

Visual Enhancement
Ability to upload a small picture to include with the application

Descriptive Summation
Control over composing a short title and short description to sum up the application's content

Categorical Classification
Select applicable/related attributes for the application from the provided list in order to connect the application to and classify it under relevant categories (type of product, etc.)

Search Engine Optimization
Freedom to create custom, optimized meta data for each application (title, description, and keywords)

Product Assignment
If dealing with products, you can select products (from the Ecommerce module) that relate to the application or industry to include in the entry

Practical & Orderly Structure:

Functional Organization
Administration allows you to view, modify, control attribute hierarchy in systematically organized tree

Systematic Hierarchy
Can create separate folders for applications, technologies, and industries and, within in them, sub-folders of various specific attributes

Centralized Controls
Can modify and delete any folder within the tree with a click of your mouse

Facile Folder Addition
Can add a new folder at the root level or beneath any specified folder with a click of your mouse

Custom Fields
Can customize the form used to create new applications, so that it is appropriate to you business's particular domain (the folder names created in the administration represent the attribute fields (such as "cleaner type") that will appear in the form)

Customized Attributes
Simply specify a name and description for each folder and, when creating applications, it will appear in the form with the option of specifying it as an attribute of the particular application (such as "steam cleaners")

Structural Flexibility
Different from AspireDirectory, as multiple categories can be related and attached even though in different trees

Integration With AspireSoft System:

Ecommerce Product Usage
Can customize your application system with the option of selecting products (created with AspireCommerce) to include under applications

Directory Module Linkage
As with Ecommerce products, can opt for the ability to include objects created with AspireDirectory under applications

CMS Access
Can make use of the system's sophisticated and easy-to-use content editors to create content for your applications and place it on your website

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