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Setting up Corporate Google Mail

Go the Standard Edition google apps site and click on the button "Get Started"

  • On the following page, select "Administrator: I control this domain" and enter your domain name without the www portion. (e.g.
  • On the following page, fill out your contact information. The email must not be from the same domain name. Click the check box "Google Apps requires changes to DNS to properly set up services. Answer no to the question "Does your organization currently provide email accounts" and answer No to the question "Has our sales team assisted in your decision to sign up for Google Apps".
  • On the following page, enter the email and password you will use to access the account.
  • On the following page you need to choose how you will verify that you have control of your domain name. If your site is live and you can add a page to the site, choose the option "Upload an HTML file to". If your site is not live yet, or if you are comfortable editing your dns records, choose "Change CNAME record".
    • A) Upload an HTML to If you choose this option, the following page will explain that you will need to create a file on your website and put some text in the file. Wherever your current live site is being hosted, there you need to create a new page with this url googlehostedservice.html, paste the code into the page.
      • i) My domain is live on your CMS system. If your site is live on our cms system, simply create a page in cms, hide the menu, paste the code in the page and publish. The file can be located anywhere in the tree, but we suggest putting it into the System Components folder if it exists. If this folder does not exist you can create it first.
      • ii) My domain is live on a traditional hosting environment. If your site is a normal hosting account you will need to create an html file and paste the code into the body of the file. Copy the text from this page, replace the text that says "googlecodegoeshere" with your code. Copy all the code and paste this text into a notepad document, save the file with the name googlehostedservice.html and then upload it to the root (top level) folder of your website server.
  • Once you have completed either steps a or b above, click the button "I've completed the steps above. On the following page, click on the link "Users and groups" in the top blue menu. On that page, click "Create a new user" and create all the email accounts for your company.

Once you have created your users, visit the Setup Guide and walk through the steps to implement your email, and setup your accounts in your email programs. Once you have all your accounts created and set up on each workstation, you should be ready to make the switch. To make the switch you will need to change your MX records in your DNS settings.