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The sys:page tag allows you to insert content from some other specified page in the location on the current page at which the tag has been entered into the template.

The following attributes, when included with the tag, help to determine exactly what content will be displayed:

  • page-id: This attribute tells the system which page to pull the content from by indicating its CMS ID
  • fragment: This attribute allows you to select specific fragments of the page to display based on their id attributes
  • fragment-by-class: This attribute allows you to select specific fragments of the page to display based on their class attributes
  • fragment-by-tag: This attribute allows you to select specific fragments of the page to display based on tags
  • fragment-by-xpath: This attribute allows you to select specific fragments of the page to display based on xpath expressions

In the end, when entering the tag into the HTML window, it should look something like this:

<sys:page page-id="50" fragment="pageCreation" fragment-by-class="exampleclass" fragment-by-tag="h1 h2 h3" fragment-by-xpath="a/@href|html:a/@href" />