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The max-length attribute, when added to the sys:site-path tag, allows you to limit the length of menu item names included within the site path to n characters.

Any names that are longer than the specified maximum length will be cut short and have ... appended to the end.

Multiple lengths can be specified (separated by commas), and they will be applied to names in the order in which they are entered, with the first length applied to the first menu item name in the site path and so on.

In the template, simply enter the tag, along with the attribute and desired maximum length(s), and the outcome should look something like this:

<sys:site-path max-length="256,64" />

Note: Should there be more names than there are lengths specified, all of the extra names will use the last maximum length listed. For instance, in the example above, all menu item names after the first, no matter how many, will be restricted to a maximum length of 64 characters.