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By inserting the sys:variable tag at specific points where common, recurring text appears on your website (such as your company's phone number), whenever you need to make changes, it can all be done in one feel swoop.

Whatever text is entered into the Variable Administration within the CMS will be inserted at every point within your website where the tag has been entered, so that you will not have to waste time manually fixing each individual instance.

In order to determine exactly what content is generated by the tag, the following attributes should be included:

  • name: This attribute is used to indicate the name of the particular variable within the Variable Administration that you would like the system to use in determining what text to display
  • default: The text entered along with this attribute will be displayed in the location at which the tag has been entered, should there be no text be defined for the variable in question


<sys:variable name="Administration Name" default="SpirePro Administration" />

The system will either replace the tag with the text that has been entered for the "Administration Name" variable within the Variable Administration, or, if no text has been defined, with the default text "SpirePro Administration."