Spire CoreDB Connect Error (2002) Connection timed out
How to Password Protect PagesIn the system, access rights are controlled by using groups. In the "Content" tab of the page you wish to password protect, you will find different options depending on whether you have set your page to a static format or a dynamic format in the "Page" tab. If the page is static, you can only have one document per page, meaning that you cannot create different versions of a page to be displayed to different groups.
With regards to access rights, this means that if you limit access of the page to only certain specified groups, all other users will be presented with an error message (403) saying that they do not have the rights to view the page. The only other options when dealing with a static page are to make the page visible to everybody or nobody.
In order to modify what groups a particular user belongs to, you can access the system's "Users & Groups" module. The user's password can be set here as well, so that when prompted for a password by a dynamic page that presents different documents to different users depending on their group membership status, the system will be able to recognize whether the user belongs to the group(s) that have been given access rights to the particular document. When users do not belong to a group that has been granted access rights to a particular document, meaning that they do not meet the condition for that document specified in the "Content" tab, they will be presented with a different document with less stringent conditions.
The system works so that once a user does not meet the conditions for the document with the most specific requirements, he/she is automatically reevaluated against the next most specific condition, until a document is reached that the user meets the conditions for in order to view.
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