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Editing Menu Names and DescriptionsThe "Menu Edit" feature of the Content Management System's "Tools" section allows you to view and modify the names and descriptions of every page within the website. Within the "Edit Menu Items" table is listed every page within your website and every document that exists for each of those pages. The rows are organized in alphabetical order by the pages' paths/URL's (located on the left), and then contains "Name" and "Description" fields to the right for each individual document created under the particular page's URL. If your site uses more than one language, you will be able to view the different versions created for a single page next to each other within that page's row. You can even specify which languages' documents you would like to see displayed in the table, by checking or unchecking the boxes provided in the top left-hand corner of the screen, representing each of the languages with which your site works. In order to modify any of the document names or descriptions, simply locate a particular page and document, and type the desired text into the appropriate field. Once you have clicked on the "Save" button (located on both the top and bottom of the screen), these changes to the particular page's name and/or description should promptly become visible on the site, as the previously stored versions of the page should be flushed. For more information on document names and descriptions (how they are used and where they are displayed), please see our section on Menu Content. |
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