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Center Captioned Placement

1. Select the place on the page where you would like to situate your pictures.

2. Click on the "Insert/Edit Table" icon and create a table with the following properties:
Rows: 1, Columns: 2, Border size: 0, Cell spacing: 0, Cell padding: 5

The resulting table should look something like this:

3. Insert your text (the headers for the pictures) into the cells of the table. You can either select the text you wish to place inside of the table and copy/paste it, or you can simply select the text and then drag and drop it into the cell. Be sure to press "Enter" after inserting the text in order to place the image below the text.

4. Place your cursor in the right-hand cell and insert your first picture by clicking on the "Insert/Edit Image" icon. Next, place your cursor in the left-hand cell and insert your second picture in the same manner.

5. In order to change the settings for the objects inside of the table cells, right click on the cell in which you would like to have your changes made and, from the resultant menu, select "Cell Properties". Set the Vertical Alignment of both cells to "Top," in order to keep the images positioned at the top of their respective cells. Set the Horizontal Alignment of both cells to "Left," in order to keep the contents positioned on the left side of the cells.

6. In order to change the overall table settings, simply right click on the table and, from the resultant menu, select "Table Properties."

Set the Table Properties in accordance with your particular requirements. As an alternative to using the "Table Properties" window though, you can also alter the height and width by simply clicking on and dragging parts of the table.