Spire CoreDB Connect Error (2002) Connection timed out
CRM "Access Data" TabThe "Access Data" section of the CRM "Setup" allows you to determine which types of contacts can have access data created for them (i.e. usernames and passwords to access the system). In order to make use of the "Access Data" section, you will need to have the "Secure Storage" module installed. Otherwise, you will be presented with a message saying "You must have Secure Storage module in order to use Access Data module," since access data involves sensitive information, and requires tight security in order to protect people's individual passwords. Should you have "Secure Storage," once you have opened the "Access Data" tab, you can determine which types of contacts are allowed to have system usernames and passwords, by checking the desired boxes within the "Contact Types That Have Access Data Active" table. In the "Access Data Email" form on the right-hand side of the screen, you can then set up a template for the email that will be sent to contacts of the selected types in order for them to set up their system access data (usernames and passwords). Simply specify the name and email address that you would like this email to appear as being sent from, and then enter the desired code and text into the "Source" editor window in order to define the email's content. Once you are done, simply click "Submit," and the system will be updated in order to reflect the settings and changes that you have made. |
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