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Adding Contacts

When clicking on the Contacts tab in the CRM module, you will be presented with a table labeled as " Contact search criteria" (as seen in the picture below), which you can use to search for existing contacts within the system by filling out any or all of the provided fields and clicking on "Search."

Below the "Contact search criteria," can be found another table, which includes two options for adding new contacts:
+ Add personal
+ Add employee

+Add personal:

If you want to add a contact, who is not an employee of a specific company within the CRM system, simply click on the "Add Personal" icon pictured above.

You will then be presented with a page containing numerous fields to fill out with the new contact's information. The fields include:

  • Personal information
  • Contact type
  • Primary address
  • Communication
  • RMS

You can feel free to either fill out all of the fields or just those most relevant for your purposes.

RMS Section:
This section (pictured below) will appear after you have filled out all of the basic informational fields for the new contact, and is used to grant the new contact access to site administration and editing. If you want the new contact to be able to log into the administration site, simply create a login name and password, specify group membership by selecting the desired group(s) from the drop-down menu (holding down the CTRL key for multiple selection), enter an e-mail address for password recovery, and check the box next to "send password creation e-mail" if you would rather the new contact create his/her own administration password (if selected, the user will recieve an e-mail, asking him/her to setup the password for his/her account).

+Add employee:

The process for adding an employee as a contact is basically the same as that used in adding a personal contact. The only difference is that you will have to search for the company in your CRM to which you would like to add the contact. Once located, simply click on the company's name, fill out the appropriate fields with the employee's information, and then click on "Save."

If the company is not already stored in your CRM system, you will have to add the company before proceeding any further. This can be done right in the Contacts tab of the CRM module (as pictured below). Simply click on the "Add" icon at the bottom of the screen labeled "Please choose the company below," which will have appeared after clicking on "add employee."

Then, simply fill out the provided fields with the company's information and click "Save".

In order to go on to add/find employees for this company, you will have to locate the company's new entry in the CRM system, using the "Companies search criteria" table, and click on it. This will open a screen for adding new contacts as employees of this particular company.

Another way to add a new company into the CRM system can be found by accessing the Companies tab.