Importing individuals into CRM with a CSV File
In order to import personal customer data into CRM using a CSV file ( Comma-Separated valus (CSV) the file must abide by the following requirements.
- The separator is "," (comma). No other separation symbols are allowed.
- No newlines are allowed inside the field's value
- If field value contains "," ( comma) symbol it must be enclosed with double-quotes "
- If field value is enclosed in double quotes and contains a double quote symbol, escape it with two double-qoutes symbols, i.e. "I saw a black ""BMW"" the other day"
First row of the file must enumerate column names. Columns can be in any order. The required fields are "IMPORT ID", "FIRST NAME", "LAST NAME"
- "IMPORT ID" - Alphanum(16), Required field that identifies a record. Every record must contain a unique id. If your data does not have an id, create a column in excel and fill the column with unique numbers. If your importing from InfoUSA, the InfoUSA id goes in this field. This field will be used to cross reference the record with your external system in the future.Will be used for future updates and synchronization.
- "MAILING GROUP" - assigns customer to the CRM mailing group with given system alias. If you want to assign to many, separate aliases with "|" symbol, e.g. PRODUCT_UPDATES|WHOLESALERS
- "CONTACT TYPE" - assigns customer to the CRM contact group with given system alias. If you want to assign to many, separate aliases with "|" symbol, e.g. CRM_CT_CUSTOMER|CRM_CT_WHOLESALE
- "CITY"
- "STATE" - state code (e.g. MA, CA)
- "ZIP" - zip or zip+4 for mailing/shipping (e.g. 02111 or 02111-4431)
- "COUNTRY" - country code (e.g. USA,CAN,BRA etc.)
- "FAX"
- "RMS_GROUPS" (can be spire system group IDs or group names)