Spire CoreDB Connect Error (2002) Connection timed out
How To Add Forms To Your WebsiteOnce you have created a customized form with the XForms module, it is very easy to add it to your website. Simply access the desired page within the CMS administration, and enter the following tag into the "Source" editor window at the location in which you would like the form to appear:
The display attribute should be completed with the ID number of the desired form, which can be found listed in the "Forms" table that immediately appears upon accessing the XForms administration. Simply enter this ID number into the tag in the place where F123 has been entered in the example above, and the desired form will be displayed in the location at which the tag has been entered into the page's "Source" editor. Should you wish to have additional information tacked onto your forms, such as whether or not users have visited a particular page within your website or downloaded a particular file, please see the following sections: |
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