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How To Track Visited Pages On A Form

Should you wish to be informed when users visit a particular page within your website, by having that information added to their completed forms, you can make use of the sys:xform-user-update tag.

Within the CMS administration, simply access the page that you would like find out whether or not users have visited, and enter the tag into the "Source" editor window.

In entering the tag, the following attributes can be used to determine how the information will be reported within users' forms:

  • form: This attribute indicates the ID number of the form that you would like the information to be added to
  • field: This attribute indicates the ID number of the field within the form that you would like the information to be displayed in
  • value: This attribute indicates the value or string of text that will be displayed in the field when a user has visited the page
  • increment: This attribute specifies a particular value to increase or decrease the field's current value by when the page has been visited

The attributes can be entered into the tag in any order you like, with the one stipulation being that you cannot use both the value and increment attributes in a single tag, as they are mutually exclusive.

In the end, when entered into the desired page's "Source" editor window, the tag should look something like this:

<sys:xform-user-update form="F14" field="D125" value="User visited the TERMS page" />