General Task Settings
In the field that appears when you click on the "Tasks" section of the "Setup," labeled "General Task Settings," you can specify whether or not you would like it to be required that all tasks have a specified client.
If you decide to check the box labeled "Client For Task Required," every time you create a new task, you will be unable to save it until you select a client for it to be connected to.
In this field you can also set a default status and priority that will be used for new tasks unless otherwise specified.
Should you wish, you can also choose to have tasks automatically assigned when not assigned to specific employees by checking the box labeled "Autoassign For Incoming Tasks."
Default settings
In the "Default Settings" portion of the "Tasks" section, you can select the fields that will be displayed for action events (calendar items) and ToDo's which are connected to a particular task. Simply check the boxes next to the fields that you would like to be displayed for each type of item within the task's profile and click "Save."
You can also set default "Leader Notification Settings," "Assigned Users Notification Settings," "Default Visibility For Notes," and "Default Visibility for Files." Unless you specify otherwise when creating individual projects, the settings specified here will be used to determine when leaders and assigned users are notified about specific changes to tasks and to control access to notes and files that are attached to tasks' profiles.

Task Types
In this portion of the "Tasks" setup, you can modify and manage the list of task types.
The "Available Collections" window within this section allows you to view a complete list of the existing types which are available for classifying tasks.
In order to add a new task type to the list, simply click on the
"Add New" icon located in the upper right-hand corner.

You will then be presented with a window labeled "New Type," where you can enter a unique name and description for the task type and check the "Status" box if you would like for the new type to appear in the "Task Type" drop-down menu right away and become available for classifying tasks.
Should you wish, you can also specify additional settings, such as uploading an icon to be displayed with the task type and choosing to request payment information for tasks of this type.
Once you have finished specifying settings for the new task type, click on "Save" and it will be added to the system.

In addition to creating new task types, you can modify the details of existing types by simply clicking on the desired type's name, selecting the "Edit" icon within the "Tab Details" window, and altering the information as desired.
Should you wish, you can even set different parameters for the task type by clicking on the "Edit" icon in the "Type Parameters" window. Then, simply modify its parameters and access rights to meet your needs and click "Save."
You can also change the order in which the task types are displayed within their drop-down menu by using the arrow icons in the "Order" column to move individual types up or down within the list as desired.
And should you wish to remove a task type from the list entirely, simply click on the
"Delete" icon within that type's row.
Project/Task Statuses
This portion of the "Tasks" section allows you to modify and manage the list of statuses used in creating projects and tasks.

You can add a new status option to the list by clicking on the
"Add New" icon in the upper right-hand corner of the "Status List" window.
When presented with the status creation form, simply fill out the fields as follows:
Name: Enter a unique name for the new status.
Active Group: Check this box if you would like the new status to be used to describe active tasks and projects (an example of an
inactive group status would be "Completed").
Status: Check this box if you would like the new status option to become available right away and appear in the "Status" drop-down menu for tasks and projects.
Color: Select a color that you would like all tasks and projects with this status to be highlighted in.
Once you have completed the fields, click "Save" and the new status will be added to the system.
In addition to creating new status options, you can easily change the settings for each existing status by clicking on the status's name within the list and altering its details as desired.
Should you wish to change the order in which the status options are displayed in their drop-down menu, simply use the arrow icons in the "Position" column to move individual options up or down within the list as desired.
And should you want to remove a particular status option from the list entirely, simply click on the
"Remove" icon within the desired status's row.
This portion allows you to modify and manage the list of priorities used in creating projects and tasks.

Within the window labeled "Priority List," you will a list of the different priority options available for tasks and projects.
You can modify the settings for each priority by simply clicking on the desired option's name.
Once you have selected the desired option to modify, you can changes its name, make it inactive by unchecking the "Enabled" box (so that it will not appear in the list of available priority options when creating tasks and projects), and pick a color for tasks and projects with that particular priority to be highlighted in.
You can also change the order in which the priority options are displayed within their drop-down menu by using the arrow icons in the "Position" column to move individual options up or down within the list.
And should you wish to remove a particular priority from the list entirely, simply click on the
"Remove" icon located in the desired priority's row.
In addition to modifying existing priority options, you can add new priorities to the list by clicking on the
"Add New" icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the "Priority List" window.
Simply enter a name for the new priority, check the "Enabled" box if you would like the priority to become available and appear in the "Priority" drop-down menu for projects and tasks, and select a color that you would like to be used to highlight projects and tasks with this specific priority.
Once you have completed the fields, click "Save" and the new priority will be added to the system.
Data Types
This section allows you to create and modify data types for fields to appear when creating new tasks.
In order to add a new data type/field, simply click on the
"Add" icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the window. In addition to naming the field and specifying what kind of a field you would like to create (text box, drop-down menu, etc.), you can use the "Task Type" setting section to specify which types of
tasks you would like the field to be used for. When finished, click on the "Add" icon in the "Type Parameters" window, and the new field will be created.
Existing fields can also be modified here by simply clicking on the
"Edit" icon within the desired field's row.
And should you wish to remove a particular field, this can be done as well, by clicking on the
"Delete" icon in that field's row.