Spire CoreDB Connect Error (2002) Connection timed out
PMS Users' Personal SettingsThe "Personal Settings" section of the "Users" tab allows you to customize your account by specifying the desired settings. Here, you can set clients for whom you will, by default, serve as concierge, as well as specify system preferences such as time zone, date and time display formats, and various default settings for tasks and projects that you create. In order to complete the date and time format fields, simply refer to the "Date Formating Tips" table located on the right side of the screen and use the appropriate codes to achieve the formats you desire. In determining the default settings for your tasks and projects, you can either select the desired option from the provided menu, or else stick with the "Inherit From Global Setting" option, which will use the general system defaults for fields such as "Status" and "Priority" should you not specify otherwise when creating individual tasks and projects. !NEED SCREENSHOT |
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