The "Users" section of the "Users & Groups" module allows you to create and manage the accounts of all of your site's users.
Creating New Users:
In order to create a new user account, simply click on the
"Add" icon in the upper right-hand corner of the table.
In the window that appears, enter the user's name and create a unique username and password for him/her.
Then, you can fill out the rest of the form as follows:
Password Recovery Email: In this field, you can enter the user's email address so that he/she can recover his/her password, in case it is ever forgotten.
Absolute Expiration Time: In this field, you can specify the exact date that you would like the new user's account to expire, at which point he/she will no longer be able to access the system. As a note, this field and the next are mutually exclusive, so you can only fill one of them out.
Relative Expiration Time: In this field, you can specify when you would like the user's account to expire, in terms of number of minutes after the account's creation. This is useful if you would like to grant a user access to the system for a very short period of time (usually less than a day). As a note, this field and the previous one are mutually exclusive, so you must choose only one of them to fill out.
On Login Conflict: In this field, you can specify what you would like the system to do in the case that a person tries to log in with a username that someone else is already logged in with elsewhere. Simply select "new user cannot log in and old user stays logged in" or "new user logs in and old user is logged out," depending on what you would like to happen.
Inactivity Detection: In this field, you can specify how long users can be idle before the system will recognize their inactivity and log them out. Simply enter the desired amount of time (in minutes), and whenever a user is inactive for more than that amount of time, he/she will have to log in again before being able to continue working within the system.
User Can Login: This check-box allows you to specify whether or not you would like the new user to be able to log in and access the system right away.
Membership: This field allows you to assign the new user to particular access groups, in order to determine what functions and areas within the system he/she will have access to.
Is Logged In: This field simply allows you to see whether or not the user is currently logged into the system. It is updated automatically, and does not need to be filled out by you.
Last Seen: This field allows you to see how long it has been since the user was last working within the system. It is calculated automatically, and does not need to be filled out by you.
Last Log In: This field allows you to see the last time the user actually logged into the system. It is calculated automatically, and does not need to be filled out by you.
Once the form has been completed to your liking, click "Save" at the bottom of the screen, and the user will be added to the system.
Modifying Users:
In order to modify a user's details, you must first locate their account within the "RMS Users" table.
In order to aid you in finding the desired user as quickly as possible, there is a brief search form at the top of the table.
Simply enter the name, user ID, username, or email of the user and select which user groups (administrators, guests, etc.) you would like to search through. When you are done, click "Submit," and you will be presented with a list of users meeting the specified criteria.
After locating the desired user, simply click on the
"Edit" icon in his/her row of the table, and you will be taken to his/her profile, where you can click on the
"Edit" icon in order to alter the details entered upon the user's creation as you wish.
Designing Data:
Apart from the information entered upon the user's creation, you will also have the opportunity to design additional fields of data to include in the user's account.
In order to do so, click on the
"Edit" icon in the user's row of the "RMS Users" table and then the
"Design" icon found in the "Data" table within the user's profile.
In the window that appears, click on the
"Add" icon, and you will be able to design your new field.
Simply enter a unique ID for the field, as well as a "Label" to act as the title of the field. You can then specify the type of field you would like to create (list, short text, etc.) by selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down menu. Once you are done, click "Save" and the new field will be added to the "Data" table.
In order to fill in the field with the user's data, just click on the
"Edit" icon in the "Data" table. You can then enter the user's data and click on "Save" in order to add it to his/her profile.
Should you wish to get rid of the field at some point, just click on the
"Design" icon again, and select the "Remove" link next to the field in question.
CRM Access:
In addition to editing the user's details, you can access the user's CRM (Contact Relationship Management) profile by clicking on the
"CRM Profile" icon, should he/she have been entered into the CRM system.
You will then be able to view and/or modify all of the user's information that has been stored in the system.
Removing Users:
If you would like to remove the user from the system entirely, this can be done here as well, by simply clicking on the
"Remove" icon in his/her row of the table.
After this, the username can no longer be used to access the system.