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Blog Posts

To create a post within a blog perform the following steps

  1. Within the Blog module, click on Blogs in the top menu

  2. Click on the Blog you want to add a post to

  3. Click the Posts Tab

  4. Click the Add button in the Manage Posts table

  5. Enter the following fields of data
    1. Post Title: This is the main title of the post that will be visible on the blog
    2. Publish Date: Choose the date and time you want the post to appear on the blog
    3. Post Body: Using the WYSIWYG editor, add the content of your post. For more information on how to use the editor visit this page
    4. Tags: Click on an existing tag that describes this content or add a new one.

  6. When you are done, either click Publish to make it live or Save to keep this post but do not publish.

Note: Depending on the settings under Access Rights, you may not be able to Publish the post without approval from someone else.

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