Spire CoreDB Connect Error (2002) Connection timed out
Attribute: category-idThe category-id attribute, when added to the sys:job-categories tag, allows you to specify which categories will be included within the list. Before you can make use of the attribute, you must first open the "Jobs" module administration in order to access the categories' system ID's. !NEED SCREENSHOT OF SELECTING JOBS ADMINISTRATION Once within the "Jobs" administration, click on the "Administration" section at the top of the screen. !NEED SCREENSHOT OF "ADMINISTRATION" SECTION From here, select the "Categories" tab, where you will see a hierarchy of existing job categories. !NEED SCREENSHOT OF "CATEGORIES" TAB Simply make note of the ID number of the desired folder within the hierarchy. By entering this ID into the tag, all categories underneath the specified folder will be included within your list. !NEED SCREENSHOT HIGHLIGHTING ID NUMBER Back in the "Source" editor window of the page to which you are adding the list of categories, enter the tag, along with the attribute and selected ID number, so that the outcome looks something like this:
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