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Directory CategoriesThe "Categories" tab of the Directory module, found within the "Directories" section, allows you to create the hierarchical structure of your directories. Within it, you can create categorical folders, much like product categories within the Ecommerce module, that will be used to store and organize the directory's items. In order to access and begin working with the desired directory's hierarchy of categories, access the module's "Directories" section, and in the "Choose Directory" window that appears, select the desired directory from the provided list. Creating Categories:Upon their creation, all directories are automatically given a base category. In order to create a new category underneath this base category, or any other existing category, simply click on the
You will then be presented with an "Editor Form," where you can assign a name to the category, determine whether or not you would like it to be active, and select a design to be used in its display from the "Design ID" drop-down menu. Once you are done, simply click "Save" and the category will be added to the hierarchy. Henceforth, whenever you are creating an item within this directory, the new category will appear in the list of available categories on the right-hand side of the creation form. Editing Categories:Should you ever wish to modify a category's details, whether it be its name, activity status, or design, you can click on the
In the window that appears, simply make the desired changes and click "Save" in order to have them applied.
Deleting Categories:In order to remove a category from the directory hierarchy entirely, you can click on the
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