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Variable Connector-Request Data Type

The "Variable Connector - Request" data type allows you to create fields, invisible to the user, that will be used to record the value of some particular variable in order to determine information such as the link that was clicked on to access the form in question.

After entering an appropriate name for the data type and selecting "variable connector - request" from the "Type" drop-down menu, click "Save," and you will be presented with a window like the one pictured below.

In the field labeled "Variable Name," simply enter the name of the desired variable (which can be found after the "?" in the page's URL).

By entering the name of this variable, the system will automatically record the value displayed in the URL after the "=" following the specified variable name.

For example, if the URL is, and you have entered "file" for the request variable's name (as in the image above), the system will record "myfile.exe" in this field of the user's form.

In case the specified variable cannot be found in the URL, you can also enter a "Default Value," such as "unknown," which will be recorded instead.

Once you are finished, click "Done," and the "variable connector - request" data type will be added to the "Available Datatypes" list.