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File URL

The last section of a URL specifies what individual file/object to open on the web server.

File/Folder Names:

The File URL typically includes the name(s) of the folder(s) under which the file is located and then the name of the file itself.



In this example, the File URL specifies that you should open the contact-us.html page in the company folder.

File Extensions:

There are many ways to identify a file on a web server depending on how the site's administrator and/or the content management system functions. The most common method to identify a web page type is by giving it an extension of .html.

Common file name extensions:

.html - A basic web page

.shtml - A web page that uses server side includes

.pl - A web page that is processed with the Perl programming language

.cgi - A web page that is typically processed with the Perl programming language

.php - A web page that is processed with the PHP programming engine

.asp - A web page that is processed with Microsoft's active server pages engine

.aspx - A web page that is processed with Microsoft's .net technology

.cfx - A web page that is processed with Adobe's Cold Fusion engine

Note: These extensions are specific to special programming languages that could be used on the web server hosting a website. Website administrators can use these default extensions for the programming language they are employing, or they can use any other extension of their choice (including no extension at all).