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Promotion DetailsWhen creating or modifying a promotion, the first thing you will be presented with is the "Details" tab. Here, you can specify all of the general information about the promotion. First, you can specify whether you would like the promotion to become effective on your site right away by checking the box labeled "Active." You can then compose an original name and description for the promotion, as well as specify the type of promotion (discounted product, discounted order, or discounted shipping) and how you would like your site's users to access the promotion (by entering a code, by being referred to it, or by simply accessing your site). You will also have the opportunity to specify a particular starting and ending date for the promotion (should none exist, you also have the option of making the promotion "Unlimited"). Finally, you can select a customized design for the promotion page, as well as compose original text and select individual images to be displayed on your site. And, should you wish, you can even combine the promotion with any other existing promotion, by simply checking the box next to the desired promotion's name in the right-hand table, labeled "Combinable Promotions." |
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