Spire CoreDB Connect Error (2002) Connection timed out
Pricing GroupsThe "Pricing Groups" section of the Ecommerce "Setup" allows you to create and manage groups used to organize customers on the basis of special pricing considerations or regular discounts that they may receive when ordering products from your business. In order to create a new group, simply click on the
In the window that appears, you can specify whether or not you would like for the group to become active right away by selecting the appropriate option from the "Status" drop-down menu. If you would like this pricing group to act as the default group, for most ordinary customers who should not be receiving special pricing considerations, you can do this here as well, by simply checking the box labeled "Default Pricing Group." After determining these settings, you will have the opportunity to enter some original name and description that should serve to explain the intention of the group and clarify which customers should belong to it. If at any point you would like to modify the settings of one of the pricing groups, simply click on the
You will then be presented with the "Edit Pricing Group" window pictured below, where you can alter the settings specified upon the group's creation as desired, and then click "Save" in order to bring the system up-to-date with these changes. |
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