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Units of MeasureThe "Units of Measure" section of the Ecommerce "Setup" allows you to specify and manage the units of measure that you would like to be available in describing products for your website. In to order to add a new unit of measure to the list, click on the
In the window that appears, you can enter a universal code that will be used to identify this unit of measure in all languages, as well as a unique name and description of the unit for each language that your site supports. You can then specify the base of this unit of measure, by selecting the appropriate base unit from the provided drop-down menu and entering what proportion of the base unit the new unit is into the adjacent blank text field. Once you have finished outlining the new unit of measure, simply click on "Save" and it will be added to the list underneath the specified base unit. Should you wish to modify the details of an existing unit of measure at any point, simply click on the
In case you decide to get rid of a particular unit of measure entirely, this can be done here as well, by simply clicking on the
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