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VacanciesThe "Vacancies" section of the "Jobs" module allows you to design customized job listings for vacancies within your company, as well as access a comprehensive database of all job listings ever created. Creating New Vacancies:In order to create a new job listing to display on your website, simply click on the "Add New" icon in the upper right-hand corner of the table. In the window that appears, you can fill out the "Editor Form" fields as follows:
In addition to these fields, you will be able to specify a location and category for the vacant position using the "Location" and "Category" tables to the left of the "Editor Form."
Once all of the fields are completed to your liking, click on "Submit" at the bottom of the window, and the job listing will be created and added to your website. Modifying Vacancies:Should you at some point wish to modify the details of a particular job listing, simply click on the "Edit" icon in its row of the "Vacancies" table. You will then be able to alter the details entered upon the vacancy's creation as you wish. Once you have completed your modifications, just click "Submit" at the bottom of the window, and the job listing will be updated to reflect the changes made. Showing & Hiding Vacancies:In order to hide a vacancy, so that it is no longer listed on your website as an available position, simply click on the "Show" icon in its row of the "Vacancies" table. Whenever viewing the list of job positions in the "Vacancies" section of the "Jobs" module within the system's administration, those vacancies that have been hidden will, by default, be excluded from the list. In order to re-include these hidden vacancies, so that you can view all of the job listings ever created within the module, simply click within the "Show Hidden" check-box at the bottom of the window. Once clicked, you will have the ability to change the status of hidden vacancies. Should you wish for a particular one to be displayed on your website again, if perhaps the position has opened up once more, simply click on the "Show" icon in its row of the table, and it will no longer be hidden. If, after this, you would no longer like the hidden vacancies to be listed in the "Vacancies" table, simply deselect the "Show Hidden" check-box, and they will promptly disappear. Viewing Applicants:In order to view the files of every individual that has submitted an application for a particular vacancy, you can click on the "Applicants" icon in the row of the "Vacancies" table corresponding to the position in question. Once clicked, you will be presented with a list of all the existing applications, which you can narrow down in order to locate a particular applicant using the search form at the top of the screen. Once you find the desired applicant, you can view his/her resume(s)/CV('s), print his/her file, delete his/her application, and/or return to the profile of the vacancy in question by clicking on its name in the "Job Title" column. |
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