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Using System Tags

When editing a page with the Source editor, another option, in addition to using general HTML tags, is to use the specific system tags found in the "System Tag" drop-down menu.

These system tags allow you to add content created elsewhere within the system to the page being edited. Some possibilities include adding a specific form created in the XForms module, adding a news item from the News module, adding contact listings from the CRM module, or even adding the content of an entire page.

Specifically, the available categories of system tags are as follows:

  • Cache
  • Catalog
  • CMS
  • Common Elements
  • Contact Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Gallery
  • Menu2 Tabs
  • News
  • Simple Registry
  • RMS Toolkit
  • System Document Structure for Administration Mode
  • SYST
  • XForms

Once you have selected the desired option from the drop-down menu, a pre-written tag will be added to the page in the place where your cursor is located. Then, in order to specify exactly what content should be added to the page, all you have to do is substitute default place-holders within the tag (such as quotation marks or "123") with a few specific details (such as ID numbers or file names).